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Frequently Asked Questions

Things to Know About Hypnosis & Meditation. 


Do I need any previous preparation or knowledge for hypnosis?

No you do not. During a brief conversation we will explain the process and learn what you expect from the session. Clearly you will at all times learn what you can do.

What happens after the session (hypnotic state)? Is this like coaching? 

After the session,  you may continue with your daily life. Every person reacts differently. In any case, having another session a few days later or a week after would be good to build upon that what was touched. You build upon every experience and learn more about yourself.

Can the hypnosis. session be virtual instead of in person? 

Yes. Any distance is a deterrent, but with the technology we have at hand, anyone can receive a session. We have been able to assist clients in Europe, Latin America. When you schedule and you wish are virtual session do not hesitate in requesting which is your preferred format: Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc.

What is the ideal audience number?

Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful and write clearly and concisely. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand your answer.

Must I be in a silent place or can I have some surround sound? 

Ideally, for the first session, it is best you are in a quiet spot so you can best focus on my voice, if we are to do a video call session. If we do an in person session, we would arrange where to meet.

What if I cannot enter into a hypnotic state, does that mean I cannot? As a Meditation and Inner Life Coach how does that aid me?

That is the whole point to learn more about yourself. We are all capable of many things, our imagination is a key tool, but so too as everything in life, it lies within your own will to want to make change. We can use our senses to explore our inner potential.

Do I have to believe in any type of religion? What if I don't believe?

Nothing to worry. Indeed everyone has a different path in their personal faith. Therefore, your personal beliefs are not vital in these sessions. 

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